Justice For Jordan Davis
I, like many others, am anxiously awaiting to hear the verdict in the Michael Dunn murder trial. This is yet another case involving a tragic killing of a young, black man who found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Jordan Davis is another casualty of Florida's Stand Your Ground law and I honestly can't say I'll be surprised if this case plays out like Trayvon Martin's.There are a ton of emotions swirling for me right now and I've had to wrestle with my anger a lot lately because of it. I'm working to take 2 Corinthians 10:5 to heart and subject my thoughts to it. The verse says "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...".Arguments say that I should rise up in my anger. They can propose that I lash back, become militant, isolate myself from others because of the degree of prejudice that exists between us. And when I'm at my most honest I can admit there are days where I yearn for this. I want to mourn the dropping of brown bodies by silver bullets projected from white hands with people who know what this pain feels like. People who live this reality.But I can't dwell in that place. For me, subjecting myself to racial or economic isolation is surrendering to the hate and that is something I can NOT yield to. So I instead give it to Jesus and see that this injustice is not just about you or me, it's much deeper than that. Hate, the antithesis of love, is about spiritually dark beings spitting in the face of God and distorting our vision so we cannot see him nor see what his love and justice can do.That said, regardless of the decision of 12 men and women in Florida, I will rest in knowing that God is just and in the end, his justice will reign. I find comfort is knowing that part of that grants me the ability to point out aberrations from what is right and work towards seeing how the radical love I am called to can promote change.